The studio has acquired a second piano! In addition to our all white Yahmaha C3 baby grand, we now have a Thos. Goggan and Bro. upright piano.
Tony Harrell, one of the co-owners of the studio, arranged to have this ridiculously beautiful upright delivered to us earlier this week. It has a few battle scars from many years of service. I'm not exactly sure how old it is, but it appears older than I am, which is getting increasingly more difficult to say.
With regards to keyboarded instruments living here at the studio, I think we're doing pretty good. Along with the two pianos in our aptly-named piano room, there is also a Wurlitzer, a B-2 with leslie cabinet, a Rhodes, and even a Mellotron available to every client that comes through our doors.
Now we need to get this thing tuned. I'm off to call a soon-to-be-unhappy piano tuner. Our new upright needs some extra love after traveling to its new home.