Thursday, June 22, 2006

Post Open House Mystery

The open house held here at the studio last weekend was a great success. It coincided with the Songwriter's Festival here on Music Row, so we got to play host to a multitude of songwriters and artist hopefuls. Many new friends were made over those two days.

As I gave tours and showed off our studio, I also answered a lot of sometimes bizarre questions too. I think my favorite question was who the lady was in the etched glass window that separates the drum room and the front hallway.

Etched Glass Lady
So I guess that means we've got a mystery on our hands: Who is the woman depicted in the etched glass? I really don't know much about the history of this building. I do know that it was supposedly built in 1911, but I have no idea if the glass is original. I doubt that it is original, since it appears that the glass was put up in a previously existing doorway. I've been told that this place was once a hair salon before Brown Bannister turned it into a studio. After that it was home to a publishing company called BME.

How cool would it be if this blog reached out to someone that can answer this mystery? Well, I'll tell you, it would be very cool.